Iain Chalmers Profile

Iain Chalmers_optWhat started out as a bet with a forestry student as to who could carve the best mushroom, has now grown into a full time job for Iain.

He started out his working life as a chef which he loved but after five years of unsociable hours decided it was time for a change. He was offered a job in forestry, never thinking it would turn into a career.

He spent 8 years felling commercially until hand cutting gradually disappeared with the onset of the timber harvesters. He then turned to growing xmas trees, working for a Danish firm for 6 years, looking after around 5 million of them! It was around this time that he started carving as a hobby, mainly in the evenings and at weekends until it came to the point where he couldn’t keep up with the orders anymore. So decided to take the chance and try carving full time and hasn’t looked back since.
